Merry Christmas
Today we need to truly appreciate every moment in time. This has been a timeless truth. Today during this pandemic, world poverty and hatred, we must not give up. When the people of God pray, miracles do happen!
Recently it was discovered that I have had a stroke in the past; however, we are still walking through tests to make sure there is nothing else that we are missing. It is been a season of deep inner prayer, trust and often gloomy days.
Gratitude is the way through the trial. What can you be grateful for even in the midst of the suffering?
My prayer is you find the things in life to be grateful for even in the midst of the chaos. This is the PEACE that Jesus speaks of, the PEACE beyond all understanding. Only when we stop and breathe, can we hear that small still voice of God.
Wishing you a blessed and joyful holiday season.
Grace & Peace to you!
Rev. Dr. Dallas