A Kindergarten Commentary- Where Are the True Leaders of Our Age?
A Kindergarten Commentary
I find it uncanny that we have “leaders?” that choose to use the word weird to describe others they don’t agree with. What happened to vocabulary that the word “weird” should exist beyond the kindergarten playground.
Today’s #thinklovefirst message is an exhortation. Please call on your higher self to rise to the occasion and allow your best self to emerge.
We no longer need to operate in a discourse that includes personal attacks and skirts the challenges that every day people are facing.
My prayer is that we can heal. We create life and death through the power of our tongue. What’s in the heart will be revealed.
Be a unifier! It’s only when we come together as Americans that we can find solutions to the problems we face today.
With Grace , Love and I hope for a better day.
Dr. Reverend Dallas.