Life Christian University – Class of 2023 Graduation Ceremony

Life Christian University Class of 2023


Rev. Dr. Dallas earns her Bachelor of Arts in Christian Counseling 

Dallas & Trish
Bringing Hope to a Hurting World

During COVID 19 while walking through my own health and healing struggles, I embarked on another milestone in helping others find freedom and healing through a personal relationship with God. Knowing life is full of ups and downs, it is only when we surrender and follow the voice of the Holy Spirit we find hope to endure life’s struggles and move through the storm.

It was a miracle I made the graduation ceremony. There was a lot of resistance and the enemy of this world did not want this Divine Warrior to attend the ceremony. Travel was being delayed and the airline attempted to rebook us on a flight that would not get me there in time. Thankfully my husband noticed it in a travel update and we were able to decline to maintain our original flight time. The flight was still running late, but I refused to allow this to upset me. In times like these, I have learned to breathe and just move through the resistance. There is nothing that I can do to change the circumstances so why get upset? It’s not that I don’t care. It’s that I care about my response and how it will affect me mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I didn’t have time to change clothes but made it to the rehearsal just in time. Now I could relax for the evening.

Early 5 am Saturday I awoke with a migraine headache so bad that I considered the possibility I may not be able to make the ceremony after all. Where did the headache come from? I had to be there at 10 am. I was feeling nauseous and with a twenty-minute drive ahead it was seeming more impossible by the minute. I laid back in the bed and got quiet. Praying for God to intervene and remove this headache, I decided to wait to see if it would subside enough to allow me to attend and be present. I was disappointed I might not make it, but I have learned that sometimes resistance is resistance and other times it is protection. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I didn’t want to rush to a decision.

Around 9 am, I suddenly felt the pounding in my head begin to subside. I had to adjust what I was wearing to allow me to be most comfortable and stable on my feet. I had been selected to carry the American flag in the opening of the ceremony and I needed to be able to balance more than just myself. Praise God I did pack a pair of dark jeans (almost black) that didn’t stand out too much because it was too much to manage a dress, and wedge sandals while carrying the Flag with a pedestal. We were instructed to wear all black. I was concerned I might stand out, so I decided to step back to allow someone else to carry the Flag if that was going to cause a challenge.

The Mental Movie from Childhood

The mental movie of wearing the wrong thing or not having the right thing to wear as a child popped into my awareness. I noticed it and allowed it to show, but I was going to go anyway. When I arrived I spoke to the professor about my outfit challenge and expressed that I didn’t want to upset protocol. ( wearing all black). I did have on a black long-sleeve shirt, scarf, and shoes. Thankfully the pants did look like an off-black color. She assured me that it looked fine and that there was no problem. In the past I would have been so upset, it may have kept me from attending period. The memory of not having the right outfit or owning a dress as a child was so humiliating. On this day, I quieted that mental movie and allowed God’s grace to unfold.

The Ceremony

During the ceremony, I was able to reconnect with my classmates. We built a family during our studies together. I also had the chance to meet some other graduates pursuing different areas of study. Also during the reception that followed, the President of the seminary asked me about my music. “So you are writing music now?” I was surprised he was aware that I had been writing songs and that I had released my debut album. I mentioned my weakness from chronic pernicious anemia and B12 deficiency has delayed my ability to play my string instruments. I told him that I play the flute. I learned that he was in a rock band and also a talented musician. I had no idea. That was another unexpected nice exchange. I told him I knew God was called to a healing ministry and my recent message from the Holy Spirit was “put your own mask on first”. Through his journey, he has also experienced electricity coming from his hands when praying for others as well as visions from God. When we returned that evening to the hotel, I was amazed at the lovely experience in light of all the challenges. I trusted God and didn’t allow the Movie to stop me. How many things have I avoided due to that Movie? The Holy Spirit was present and it was a blessed ceremony.

More obstacles to encounter.

We ended up having to book an entirely different airline for the return flight. While doing one of my twice-weekly injections on the trip, I hit a vein which caused bleeding and bruising.

As you see the smiles in this photo, you don’t see all the details behind the story. Our life is so much more than just a photo. Are we living?

Radio Show and Possible Relaunch of Podcast

I reconnected recently with someone that listened to my radio show and said, “You need to relaunch your radio program as a podcast”. He said so much has changed in the last few years in technology it is not as difficult as years past. If you haven’t heard any of my shows, you can listen here Connect.

I know I haven’t posted in a while. I am praying, trying to organize and regroup.

Now offering Christian Counseling in person or through Zoom.

With love,
