Moving from Mail Chimp

Hello Everyone!

It’s hard to believe my doctoral journey will come to an official close on August 4th. Wow, what a deep contemplative and revelatory process! Funny, as a kid I thought about becoming a doctor. I wasn’t totally off base it seems.

Now you will receive a notice from Dallas Teague and Purpose Without Limits in your in-box in real-time. I am simplifying my process.

I have decided to close my small office space. I have learned my soul does not want to be in tied down to one place. I must be able to move and flow as led by the Holy Spirit. This means I can be open to receive what is next without restrictions. The Sacred Heart Center will travel with me and my ministry.

The “good news” is that I can share this message with you through video and technology regardless of where I am physically located.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel on the site. Once I reach 100 subscribers, we can have our very own branded channel. It’s like we are starting all over.

I will relaunch my teaching and healing videos this summer. In the meantime, if you need a personal healing or counseling session just reach out and we can set a time to connect.

Love is always the answer to the question.

May God bless you!


With love,

Rev. Dallas