2nd Sunday of Easter – Resurrect Your Now


Hello/Hola Beloveds.

WE are all Spiritual beings having a human experience. It is filled with a rainbow of lessons and opportunities to grow, love and be.


As Jesus lived and breathed, he embodied the truth that the Holy Spirit that lives in each of us, is connected to the creator of all creation. Science and Spirituality complement the majesty that lives within and around us.

Yes, we live in a hurting world. Walking in forgiveness as we step into a deeper understanding will allow us to walk in freedom to fully embrace the miracle of the moment. When we separate ourselves from this Divine truth, we walk with with a veil that separates us from living that peace Jesus came to give. Not as the world gives.

The best way to honor those we have lost, is the LIVE. Now is the time. Now is forever. Now is all we really have.


Breathe in and Breathe out!


With Grace & Peace to You!


Rev. Dr. Dallas