Tight Fascial Tissue Causing Chronic Pain? My Story

You Have Been Healed – Now Why Do I Feel Pain?

Y’all I am still recovering from my spinal healing from childhood physical trauma 2.5 years ago. Fascial tissue can be tight for various reasons causing chronic pain. What is fascia? It that web that holds our bones, tendon, joints, organs in tact. Think of the white fibrous tissue that surrounds an orange when you peel it. This can cause pain if tight, pulling on nerves and joints.

If you have a known injury and just feel tightness, please do not ignore it. Tightness leads to weakness, which leads to …! Your body is telling you that something needs attention. It’s trying to protect you and needs attention to be able to release and return to healthy functioning. My example is the the entire spine/muscular system. I had to remember a lifetime of tightness needs time to unwind and release. One source says it can take 1-2 months from a single injury. In my case, it’s my entire body. When I feel good and then go through another shift it can be discouraging as if I am going backwards.

I am going to go through the process now to make sure there is not another underlying issue. Wisdom and knowledge is also a gift from God. Without my faith in God and healing ,it would be impossible to be positive based on how I feel at times. The past 36 hours I have had bones and tendons released causing a release of toxins and nerve aggravation.My messages and songs have been delayed as when you are dealing with pain, it can be difficult to be creatively inspired.

My hearts goes out to everyone that have been dealing with their own healing journey.

Sending you light and love for your Healing- Body, Mind and Spirit. They are truly all connected. This is the holistic approach to true freedom.

With Love,

Rev. Dr. Dallas Teague Snider