Mrs. Petite World, Dallas Teague Snider, Signs the Belfast Peace Wall #ThinkLoveFirst

Rev. Dallas Signs Belfast Peace Wall- #ThinkLoveFirst

Rev. Dallas Teague Snider, Mrs. Petite World, recently visited the land which holds the memories of Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland rooted in the history of war and the fight for freedom. The hunger strikes and deaths of those that took their quest for civil rights to the ultimate sacrifice, brought attention to the world stage. The embers of war still burn in the hearts of some, while the balance for peace waits to be center stage.

#ThinkLoveFirst – Hatred Will Not Win!!! Rev. Dallas

 The civil rights movement in the United States inspired similar peace walks that were met with violence and the war began.

Today some fear that the Brexit will insight a new wave of conflict that could threaten the balance of peace. It is easy to fall back into patterns of blaming others.  The entire world is seeing a tsunami of blame shifting and emotional ping pong. Our leaders are acting like children and the world is watching to see who will step up and lead with humility, working to find solution for the greater good.

” I could feel the pain as I walked along the path of such tragedy. As an empath, I can sense the tension still in the air and on the land.  What does mother earth have to say about what she has seen? The true war lives within the heart and soul. It’s only when we heal we can heal the war within and then be the answer for the world around us.

I didn’t know that I would be signing the peace wall that day, yet, it was part of God’s plan for my mission of #ThinkLoveFirst. I have always served in leadership roles and have thought about running for office in the past. After learning more and seeing the reality of politics, many things would have to change for that to become a reality.”

We must all do what we can be the answer the world needs to see. One person can make a difference. You can make a difference.


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