Visions Beyond the Veil – Pets, Healers and Teachers

Connecting Heart to Heart Beyond the Veil

Lovers, Healers, and Teachers


Everyday heart and soul connections. Lulu looks up at Mommy to send LOVE.


My purr partner, lover, healer and teacher, is now in the Heavenly Realm. Feeling so blessed, we shared treasured moments in this contemplative spiritual life journey. She knew our Love was so great it would continue beyond the veil. It sounds like our Beloved Yeshua and his gift of unconditional Love expressed through his most vulnerable and courageous action of the Love of God for humanity.


On May 12th, my 50th birthday, I noticed that Lulu was dragging her right back leg. Over the next week or so, she was regaining her strength and seemed to be on the road to recovery. The following Sunday morning, I noticed that she was now dragging her entire backside, and her vision was impaired. I was scheduled to be the guest speaker that Sunday at our Unity Church; however, we were on the way to the emergency vet with a strong sense that she might not come back home. I arranged for someone to offer the message at church in my stead, so we could be there for Lulu without distraction. Being with her fully present was my Divine appointment. I can always speak at our church, but I only have one Lulu, and she was my priority. There was no doubt where I needed to be in that moment.


Miraculously she survived the emergency three- day treatment and we were committed to her recovery. The vet released her for home care and wanted us to return in two weeks for a follow up visit. Her spirit was strong.


On May 27th, I posted this message on Facebook, asking for prayers for her total recovery.


This morning Lulu was hungry and wanted her regular food. As I helped her stand, I slowly lifted my hands but still kept them there in case she fell. She continued to stand on her own, although a bit shaky. She didn’t stand long, but the first time gives us hope. Encouraging! Please continue to pray for her full recovery.


Last Monday, June 10th, we were scheduled for our follow-up with Dr. Petras at Grants Mill Animal Hospital. We were hopefully that she was progressing nicely.

I talked to Lulu on the ride over and told her that if she wanted to pull through, she was going to have to walk. As we were waiting in the exam room, Tad (my husband) and I noticed that she began to travel the room, picking herself up when she lost balance.  This was a gallant effort and one we had not yet seen. This gave us a new sense of hope that she was going to pull through. She was fighting for her life.


Here is the message I posted on Facebook:


We are doing in a short physical therapy session. Thank you all for your prayers! She walked more at the vet check today -3 weeks after her stroke. I told her on the way to the vet, “Ok, you need to walk today to show us you’re getting stronger.” She did amazing! This short clip was when we got back home. She is trying to build her strength in her back legs. Praise God!


While I was doing this short video clip, I looked at her and said, “You did so good today baby. I am so proud of you. I want you to know that if this is not the best thing for you and you need to go, I will be ok.” She continued to walk along the grass and listen to the birds. Lulu was an inside cat and didn’t go outside- never touching the grass. I just sensed that touching mother earth, grounding and hearing the sound of the birds would be a blessing to her heart.


On Wednesday, less than 48 hours later, I noticed some clear liquid dripping from her mouth. I called the vets office to ask about new development, but the vet was gone for the day. The attendant said she would have Dr. Petras give me a call  in the morning. Later that evening, as we were falling asleep, I heard a thump and jumped out of bed. Lulu has fallen over in one of many seizures she would have throughout the night. We put her in the bed with us and tried to comfort her as the seizures became more frequent – once every hour.


Throughout the night, the seizures became much more intense, leaving her unconscious- so heartbreaking. I called the vets office before opening hours and left a message that we were bringing Lulu in first thing and she needed immediate care. At daybreak, we drove back to Grants Mill Animal Hospital knowing in our heart that she was giving up her life force. I sensed that her Spirit was already in-between the worlds. We were told we would have to leave her since the doctor wasn’t there yet. My heart began to weep. I was so upset about having to leave her. I didn’t want her to leave this realm without her mommy and daddy present. She is a part of our family, not just a pet.


Hours later we were told that she was still holding on, but this new development was terminal. When we arrived Dr. Petras agreed this was not something that she expected based on what we all witnessed on Monday during her follow-up; however, sometimes lesions on the brain can appear following a stroke due to the lack of blood flow to the brain. She confirmed that this not related to our previous situation but was a result of the injury to her brain.


I had a quickening in my Spirit that this 180-degree shift unfolded because I gave her permission to go. She had been trying so hard for me to stay and was fighting to survive. I told her that I loved her too much for her to suffer. I was guided to take my Divine Holy Water Essence, anointing oil, and my healing harp meditation music.

As I was driving back home, a vision crossed in minds eye. Lulu was sitting in the lap of Jesus as he was petting her. I also could sense the vibration of her purr. They both looked at me with bright eyes (as she would often do) assuring me that she was in good hands and all is well. Later I asked Jesus if what I was seeing was true. The answer was equivocally, “YES!”


I have learned through the pets in my life over the past 16 years, that they are lovers, healers and teachers. They teach us and show us the elements of unconditional Love and open our hearts to a kind of love the world often fails to express. Many of you have been praying for us during this difficult time. I am so grateful for your loving support.


Thank you all for your prayers. I am both tearful and grateful!!! Tears are a healing agent for those vulnerable to LOVE. Much Love to you all.




Rev. Dallas Teague Snider


  1. Lenann

    Wishing you peace on the passing of your beloved pet. I am sure that you gave her a wonderful experience during her too-brief life, Dallas!

    1. Dallas Teague Snider

      Hello Dear One.

      Thank you so much. She was such a angel. Blessings to you! Dallas

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