Post Concussion Syndrome – Walking Out My Recovery

Today is Pentecost Sunday of 2021!

I am reflecting on my blessings and faith for the new season of revelation and restoration. God is working great miracles in the midst of our chaos. It is when we are walking through the trials of life our need for God becomes so clear.

Why is it that when things are running smoothly in our lives, we put our relationship with God on the back burner? We think or have the false perception that we can do it all by ourselves. Really, run the universe… all by yourself? It’s that desire to be independent that begins as a toddler. All children want to be that big girl or big boy and tie their own shoes. Sometimes, my friends, there are some strings in our lives that only God can tie.

You see with God all things are possible! I have been having misalignment/balance and chronic pain that has increased in severity over the years. Over 15 years ago I was t-boned in the driver’s side where my car was pushed and spun around with the force of the impact. It was not obvious to me I was hurt (my entire body thrust upon impact) because I was able to think clearly and nothing was broken etc. I felt blessed and extremely protected, which I still believe to this day.
Over the next few weeks which ultimately turned into years, I began to have extreme chronic fatigue (couldn’t lift my right arm), unexplained spinal misalignments, and other symptoms that now indicate a concussion that never was treated. In my attempt to find a solution, I was never given a neurological assessment.

My brain-body connection continued to get worse leading to the weakening of muscles and structural issues that have caused years of chronic pain. I finally discovered a doctor that treats concussions ( brain injuries). When I tried once

Rev. Dr. Dallas – My Post Concussion Syndrome Journey

again to explain my symptoms, he asked ” Are you hyper-mobile?”. It was as if someone was finally hearing what I was saying. He did a basic functional neurological exam and I was appearing as an acute concussion case. I am currently getting treatment and walking out that brain-body connection healing. There are some days better than others.

In the meantime, I am still following the discovery trail to rule out any other underlying cause for this problem. This week I go to get an echocardiogram to determine if they want to send me for genetic testing. As I have been walking through this season, it has been so challenging, painful and at times I have felt hopeless. Today I see the light and want to thank God for the healing work that has already begun.

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