Why I decided to get the CoVid Vaccine?

Hello Beloveds.

I was guided today to post about why I did get the CoVid19 vaccine?  Although I typically choose alternative holistic medical solutions ( which have worked for me) in my health journey, after prayer and contemplation I was guided to get the vaccine. I did have a mild case of Covid in July 2020. We were shocked when my husband tested positive since we were doing everything to be careful and follow the CDC Guidelines. Shortly after I began having symptoms.

It was after I had Covid, I felt more confident to serve with the Red Cross to serve along the gulf coast during the 2020 hurricane season.  As the country was working on the vaccine,  I was still not clear if I would get the vaccine. I was waiting on the science and more information knowing that I already had a form on immunity. Once I was eligible to get the vaccine, I prayed about whether I should or should not get the vaccine.

We must all be our own health advocates. We must do our own research and then always seek reliable medical sources. You will have peace when you know it is right for you.  We all have unique health circumstance. My main reason I elected to get the vaccine was for others to feel comfortable.

I know that we will all get through this crisis. It’s time that we all heal together. We are stronger together.


With love,


Rev. Dr. Dallas