What is a Healing Crisis?

Hello Beloveds.

Our bodies are amazing and have an innate ability to heal when given the right support. Our life is a precious gift and these vessels of the Holy Spirit, our bodies often take allot until they just can’t anymore.

Through the beginning of time, man has found relief and healing through natural means. It seems that God designed the earth to create all things possible to support our healing when we are found off balance. We are learning more about the brain, body, gut and emotional connection.

I have been struggling with acute concussion symptoms that were misdiagnosed for years until recently. I am so grateful to finally be able to get the root and not treat only the symptoms. Is it easy?  No! Does it require patience and faith? Yes!

We never know when our time has come to live in eternity with the Lord. Until then, know that it is God’s will for you to live with peace and joy, even through the difficult moments. Lean into to God.

My body has been pulling tight for years. Misalignments causing weakness and a host of other challenges.   I am grateful I finally found a doctor that understood what I was explaining happening in my body.  I have been dealing with this for years and now I have to be patience as my body is trying to unwind, rebuild strength and be pain free. Imagine twisting a towel to wring out the water. That is what has been happening within my body structure, muscles and joints.

Please pray for me as I pray that you too will find the healing that you seek body, mind and Spirit. If you find yourself stuck in emotional pain, lack of forgiveness or not close to God, this is the work that I do. Reach out and schedule your appointment with me 205-264-1361.

For information about my soul music visit www.dallasteaguemusic.com 






#ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday
